Real Security in Christ

We purchased some new security equipment for our house. One is a doorbell. One is a camera. I was talking on the phone to one of my friends yesterday and I could hear a man’s voice somewhere. I could not figure out where it was coming from. Then I noticed that the light on the camera was bright and the voice sounded incredibly like my husband. Sure enough it was my husband and he was talking to me through the camera! lol

Oh beloved, it reminds me God is watching us. That should be encouragement for those who are doing right. But it should ignite fear to those who are doing wrong.

For the believer your Abba Father is more than watching you from a distance. He is with you. He is within you. He never leaves you to pick up your own pieces. There is no need for other equipment other than Holy Spirit and the Word of God. You have it all when you have Jesus. And as you walk with Him, in His power you will have all the security you will ever need.

God loves you and He wants to change your life. Let Him take you from fearful worry of being alone and place you in the peaceful joy of his eternal presence!

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

Psalms 121:7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life.

About Rebekah Beene

In a Women’s meeting in 1983, I went up for prayer and to see if God had “anything for me”. The woman of God who was praying for people spoke over my life. She said these words: “You will write books. You can go to the bank on it. Rivers of living water will flow from your belly…”
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