In The Hole?

I watched a short video about a young man who, through circumstances of life, found himself in prison. Not only that he ended up in the hole.

While he was in the hole, he had a visitation from God. And through that visitation, he found a pamphlet that was the book of John. And he was born again. Then he started writing to the chaplain and asking for a Bible. Finally, the chaplain responded and said listen. I don’t have any, but I do have one New Testament. And he realized that was exactly what he needed because God told him to read Romans and Corinthians and then the whole New Testament.

Oh beloved, maybe you’re in a hole this morning. Maybe not a physical like being in prison has. But prison can be a lot of different things. we are prisoners to our thoughts, our regrets our resentments…

God doesn’t want to punish you or disappoint you. He wants to give you a visitation with him. He is a friend that will stick closer than a brother. He is a help that never quits helping. He won’t find somewhere else to go or to be. He won’t leave you in the dust anywhere.

God loves you and he wants to change your life. And that’s really all you need to know to get up and get out of whatever hole you are in.

Isaiah 41:10 I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 40:2

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.

About Rebekah Beene

In a Women’s meeting in 1983, I went up for prayer and to see if God had “anything for me”. The woman of God who was praying for people spoke over my life. She said these words: “You will write books. You can go to the bank on it. Rivers of living water will flow from your belly…”
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